CDMC Publications

Reference (proceedings)

Electricity Load and Carbon Dioxide Emissions: Effects of a carbon price in the short term - A. Newcomer, S. Blumsack, J. Apt, L.B. Lave, M.G. Morgan, 2008; Computer Society Press; 41st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Waikoloa, Hawaii.

XML DBLP entry


<proceedings key="elcde08">
	<title>Electricity Load and Carbon Dioxide Emissions: Effects of a carbon price in the short term</title>
	<editor>A. Newcomer, S. Blumsack, J. Apt, L.B. Lave, M.G. Morgan</editor>
	<year>2008</year>	<publisher>41st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences</publisher>
	<publisher>Computer Society Press</publisher>

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Climate Decision Making Center 2009