CDMC Publications

Reference (techreport)

"Cap and Trade is Not Enough: Improving U.S. climate policy" - C. Samaras, J. Apt, I.L. Azevedo, L.B. Lave, M.G. Morgan, E.S. Rubin, policy brief, Department of Engineering and Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University, 2009.

XML DBLP entry


<www key="ctne09">
	<author>C. Samaras, J. Apt, I.L. Azevedo, L.B. Lave, M.G. Morgan, E.S. Rubin</author>
	<title>Cap and Trade is Not Enough: Improving U.S. climate policy</title>
	<type>policy brief</type>
	<publisher>Department of Engineering and Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University</publisher>
	<address>Pittsburgh, PA</address>

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Climate Decision Making Center 2009