CDMC Publications

Reference (article)

"The air quality and human health effects of integrating utility-scale batteries into the New York State electricity grid" - E.A. Gilmore, J. Apt, R. Walawalkar, P. Adams, L.B. Lave, Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 195, No. 8, 2010, 2405-2413.

XML DBLP entry


<article key="aqhheiusbnys10">
	<author>E.A. Gilmore, J. Apt, R. Walawalkar, P. Adams, L.B. Lave</author>
	<title>The air quality and human health effects of integrating utility-scale batteries into the New York State electricity grid</title>
	<journal>Journal of Power Sources</journal>

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Climate Decision Making Center 2009